I live in such a beautiful area of Israel, the Hill Country region. My quiet times with Jesus find new locations frequently, because there is so much to explore even just in the area around the moshav. One of my fav things to do is to read Scripture with the mountainous terrain surrounding me accompanied by the cold Israeli breeze and the warm sun. It gives a different meaning to the text. The weather that I feel on my skin here is the same that Jesus felt on His.. He felt the same wind, the same sun warmth, the same rain droplets, the same cool nights. I love living here.
25 February, 2013
20 February, 2013
Finally our first field study outside of Jerusalem! We explored the allotment of land that was given to the tribe of Benjamin.
17 February, 2013
Jerusalem: New Testament
Everytime I visit Jerusalem, I'm amazed at how big the city is and how much diversity exists inside those city walls. On this field study, I went to parts I've never seen before even though I've spent several full days in Jerusalem. There is always more to see here. I know I say this on every post but... I love this place.
15 February, 2013
Jerusalem: Old Testament
This field study in Jerusalem was based on locations that encapsulate the incredible history of the Old Testament.
08 February, 2013
New City Jerusalem
Jerusalem field studies are my favorite days here. I say this too often, I know, but I love this city. Our first stop this day was at the Museum of Israel. Here there was a huge model of Jerusalem in 70 AD, forty years after Christ's death, and right before it was destroyed. The city's history amazes me.
01 February, 2013
Neve Ilan, Nahal Yitlah, and Shabbat Night
Natalie and Wendy led us on a walk to Neve Ilan.. our next-door neighbor town :) on the way there, we walked up to a beautiful viewpoint, and of course all of this took place during the magic hour… aka sunset :)