
A captured moment for every day of the year, beginning January 1st.

Current month: April (photos 91-120)

91 - finally all back together after travel study break. we gathered in the miklot and told all the hilarious and wonderful stories of all out of the country adventures :)

92 - my four precious IBEX professors at the Israel museum today. my heart is so full of love and gratitude for these guys!! what a blessing to learn under them during my time in Israel

93 - Natalie not only takes care of so many of the details of our semester, she is also my small group leader and she prepared a delicious breakfast for our group this morning. home-cooked meals are sooo special to me these days haha. thanks Nat!! <3

94 - Mug & Muffin night: the older, wiser women here at IBEX set aside a night to meet with us.. answering questions and giving us Godly advice about important life topics. they cooked so many different kinds of treats and decorated the miklot..it looked so cute!! one of my favorite nights so far

95 - just a night of worship in chapel.
seriously how blessed are we to have such fantastic musicians in our group? worship is always a great time

96 - we began our 8 day Galilee adventure in the great city of Caesarea. I could have spent all day here

97 - Sachne, a spring in the Harod Valley. warm, clear water forevs!!!

98 - hiking down the cliffs of Mt. Arbel

99 - boat ride on the Sea of Galilee

100 - the Sea of Galilee at sunset. this is the very place Jesus walked on water and where He calmed the sea

101 - hiking through the mountains to get to the ancient sight of Cana, where Jesus performed His first miracle: turning water into wine

102 - so today I tubed down the Jordan River and for whatever reason it was one of the greatest things I've ever done. I laughed just about the whole way down

103 - last day in Galilee, relaxing with my favorite Rivka

104 - this stuff gets me through the hard times, aka the meals at the caf x_x

105 - Israel Independence Day on Ben Yehuda Street in West Jerusalem.. I don't understand why America doesn't do something like this. toooo much fun attacking people with giant plastic hammers, getting covered in foam, and dancing to live Israeli music

106 - lunch outside turned into this. <3 our ibex guys hahah

107 - "What to look for in a spouse" panel with our profs and their wives. one of the most helpful talks on marriage, thanks so much to the faculty for this!
too bad Benj didn't wanna be photographed haha

108 - my day got 84 times better after talking to her. at this point, she was recounting some recent giggle-worthy events in her life...... :):)

109 - tonight we retraced Jesus's steps on his last night on this earth as we read through the accounts given in Scripture. definitely one of the most impactful times of the semester

110 - Old City wanderings on Shabbat

111 - day 1 of our archaeological dig at Tel Burna. the cute lil sticky fingered gecko was my digging companion, the black beetle was Becky's

112 - after day 2 of the dig, Chris (my archaeology professor) invited us over to his home for an amaaazing dinner. thanks Mindy for feeding us!!!

113 - Samaritan Passover. each year, every family sacrifices a lamb on Mt. Gerizim (something like 30 lambs were sacrificed, not many Samaritans are left!). it was one of the worst things I've ever witnessed. it made me all the more thankful for the doing away of sacrifices because of Jesus's work on the cross

114 - day 3 of the archaeological dig.. Jaden found a spearhead in this very spot!

115 - last day digging! we made so much progress in area B (area Besttttt!). excavating is very hard work but also rewarding. I'm really glad to have had the opportunity to dig around in dirt that held 3000 year old goodies! heh

116 - Ashkelon beach day. I luuuuv my jenny jen!!! twinning ;)

117 - spent our last Saturday night together camping in Nahal Yitlah and sleeping under the stars.
I love my IBEX family so so much. this place feels like home

118 - is this real life? do I really have to leave this place?

119 - my last IBEX class ever. good ol' Life of Christ with Benj :)

120 - the boys pulled a prank on us.. took all our doors. and even our shower curtain. hahahahah

Go to next month: May (photos 121-151) 

Previous month: March (photos 60-90)